How to grow a Super Power


Start with Turtle steps

Step 1.

The turtle that taught me to fly

Once upon a time I built a box with the help of a turtle.

Look ma' no turtles

TurtleWax (Javascript)

Learn the Basics

Step 2.

Basic was not so basic

Meet my Super Pet snake

The 'Basic' of today is a programming language called Python.
A programming language is a computer program that translates what you tell it into instructions that the computer can understand.
A programming language like Python can help you make the computer do basic things (like math) or complex things (like games).

The force is with you.

Read Google's Free Python Course



Sharpen the pencil, practice your power

Step 3.

Learn Python in Y minutes


Get more powers!

Step 4.

Our Power Trip

These are also refered to as "programming languages" and "markup languages"

  1. Logo Turtle Power
  2. Basic Power
  3. Python Power
  4. HTML & CSS Power
  5. Javascript Power

HTML (Hypter Text Markup Language)

HTML tells the browser how to draw and layout your application.
Press run, then modify some code and press "run" again

CSS (Cascade Style Sheet)

CSS is what makes your application look nice.


Javascript is what makes the web dance.

Keep practicing!

Step 5.

Learn Javascript in Y minutes

Exercise the Power of Awesome!

Step 6.

You don't HAVE to know programming to be awesome

... but it helps

This kid is awesome (9 years old)

This kid is awesome too (12 years old)

This kid isn't doing too bad as programmer either (17 years old)

You can be even more awesome than them!
